Environment and Sustainability
We are committed to taking steps to minimise and offset the impact of our daily operations on the environment in order for GSF Car Parts to be an environmentally conscious business.
Through our specialist support teams, external partners and affiliates, we seek new ways to become a more sustainable and responsible business that leads the way in our industry.
We also comply with the Government and Environment Agency’s ESOS scheme, through which we carry out regular ESOS assessments that audit energy usage of sites, processes and transport to identify cost-effective energy saving measures.

We are currently exploring the future of our delivery fleet through a programme trialling electric vehicles.
We are installing EV chargers at strategic GSF Car Parts sites to ensure we build a charging infrastructure fit for the modern fleet and workforce.
We run an EV salary sacrifice scheme, making electric vehicles more affordable for our people and encouraging the switch to zero emission vehicles. In addition to this being another excellent part of the benefits we offer to our staff, it also allows us to decrease the indirect fuel emissions associatedwith the business.
All cardboard that passes through the business is recycled and all our sites complete dry mixed recycling.
We are also working to reduce the volume of paper that moves through the business by modernising and digitising existing processes.

We are investing in energy saving technology such as light bulbs, heating and energy management and a range of energy efficient equipment, all in order to reduce the environmental impact of our everyday operations.
We are setting ambitious targets to reduce and offset the impact of our carbon emissions through schemes like our electric vehicle trial and targeted carbon offsetting.
As the world goes greener, so will we.