GSF Car Parts completes third DirecTour of 2024

26th November 2024: GSF Car Parts (GSF) has completed its third and final DirecTour of the year. The three-day event, which took place from 19th to 21st November, saw members of the GSF Senior Management Team (SMT) visit a branch and several customers each day.
The DirecTour initiative, introduced to strengthen customer relationships and gather insights, has seen the team visit nearly 1,000 garages and over 150 branches this year.
GSF believes DirecTour is vital in demonstrating their unwavering company commitment to place the customer at the centre of its business and decision-making. It is also a great way of getting closer to the branch teams.
Steve Horne, CEO of GSF Car Parts, said: “These DirecTour events represent a huge commitment from us. They require all of our senior team members to get involved working across the country, calling on customers and finding ways we can improve.
“I find these visits incredibly energising. It’s absolutely clear our branch teams are doing a tremendous job in looking after our customers – and whilst we’ve made huge strides forward this year, we’re always looking for ways to improve. There’s so much potential out there for GSF Car Parts.”
GSF says DirecTour will return in 2025. In the meantime, thanks go to all of the 1,000 garages who have given up their time to host SMT members and share their views and experiences.